Greenock Ocean Terminal
GDG was commissioned by Roadbridge for the detailed design of the new cruise liner berth at Greenock Ocean Terminal.
Find out moreGDG was commissioned by Roadbridge L&M Keating Joint Venture for the detailed design of a number of strategically important port infrastructure schemes in Dublin Port.
Crossberth Quay (CBQ) is a new 170m long quay which was designed as a combi-wall structure tied back to a contiguous piled anchor wall. The quay is designed to accommodate some of the largest multi-purpose vessels and includes two bankseats to accommodate Roll On Roll Off (RoRo) vessels.
GDG were involved in developing and optimising the scheme solution which included geotechnical interpretation of the soil parameters, developing the construction methodology and sequence and detailed design of all the structural members in the CBQ. A suite of 2-D and 3-D finite element analysis were undertaken to optimise the design.
GDG were also the appointed Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) involving managing the design HS&E risks for the project.
GDG in partnership with Arch Henderson, were commissioned for the detailed design of the Dublin Port RoRo Jetty. The 250m long jetty structure comprises 9 separate dolphins that allow berthing on either side of the structure. Walkways adjoin each dolphin and also to the adjacent CBQ site within Alexandra Basin.
GDG was responsible for the design of all of the piles used to support the jetty structure. This process involved geotechnical interpretation, analysis and technical reporting in conjunction with considering the various load regimes imposed on the structure as a result of simultaneous berthing and mooring, which varies between specific dolphins. Geotechnical design also included for the specific choice of toe levels above bedrock in order to reduce pile installation timescales and associated risks of working with marine based plant and equipment.
As part of the design GDG also assessed the relative increase on lateral moments as a result of dredging, due to the effective lowering of the seabed as part of planned capital and follow-on maintenance dredging works in Alexandra Basin.
GDG was commissioned to review the nature of the material arising from dredging works in Alexandra Basin and to make recommendations relating to how the material could be treating and stabilised. In the interests of the end user client, Dublin Port, it was imperative for treatment of the material to facilitate on-site re-use wherever possible and to minimise the amount of off-site disposal in order to reduce the overall construction cost of the project. The dredged material is to be infilled with the stabilised dredge material at an existing Graving Dock (GD2) which is located adjacent to Berth 28 within the port.
Using the recommendations given by GDG, the RBLMK JV was appointed as the preferred Contractor to deliver the project. GDG was awarded the detailed design relating to the design of the proposed stabilisation mix and development of the material re-use strategy to be implemented by the Contractor on site during the proposed works. With this role GDG liaised with all necessary statutory authorities in order to ensure that the material is compliant from both geotechnical and environmental perspectives, particularly in terms of meeting necessary requirements from bodies such as the EPA.
GDG implemented their detailed design on site during the works in terms of ensuring stringent but appropriate QA / QC compliance procedures were in place from the Contractor and their Subcontractors. This involved preparation of detailed specification and review of all Contractor Method Statements during the works.